Sunday, September 1, 2013

Come out from among them...

Chapter Fifty-seven:

This is a very challenging time for the Church.  Many changes are happening in our world and are trying to insert themselves into the Church. For instance, the current trend of the Church struggling over such issues as abortion and homosexuality are but a couple of them.  However, I believe this is a symptom of a much deeper problem. 

The deeper problem is that the Church is looking to the world and says, "Look at the direction the world is going, we need to adapt and change to keep up with the times." We have accepted the idea that we need to adapt in order to attract people to come into the House of God.  But nothing can be further from the truth.  Scripture tells us that we, the world, have to change if we are going to become part of the family of God (Matthew 3: 1,2) is not the Church that needs to change in order to become more tolerant and less critical of any type of sin so as to not offend and keep away potential visitors.

The Scripture that God laid on my heart this morning when He told me to write this chapter is Joel 3:14, which says, " Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." I think many believers are in that valley of decision. We need to understand that it is extremely dangerous to our walk with God to use the world as the standard as to how we live our lives.  The Holy Scriptures, God's Word, is to be the standard we use when we make the choices that are facing us.  We need to be God's standard bearers.

In times of battle, a standard bearer was one who would carry a flag or emblem. Often it would be a coat of arms or some other type of emblem that would signal friends and enemies alike as to whose group, unit or house they belonged to. It was regarded as a position of honor to be the standard bearer.   We have to stand on God's standard, His code of conduct. We need to be individual standard bearers in the sense that the world knows whose house we serve.  Joshua 24:15 says, "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  

One of the most difficult choices we will have to make as believers and followers of Christ will be what to do if/when the Church incorporates and capitulates to the ways of the world. Will you continue to stand up for what you believe and be known for being one who is going against the flow or will you succumb to the lie that the Church simply needs to keep up with the times?  These are difficult times to live in, my friend, and you will need to make that personal decision for yourself.  

Sadly many believers are lacking in thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.  This means that when they are questioned or scrutinized about their beliefs they will be unable to give account as to why they are taking the position they are.  We have got to be a people who know our Bible so that we can give an answer as to why we are not willing to compromise our beliefs. Unfortunately, many will simply give in to peer pressure or their fear of man and will walk away from what they know to be true in their heart.  They are unwilling to come out from among those who are going down the broad path that leads to destruction.

As I was reading about standard bearers and how they would be purposely positioned on the front line in battle to help encourage their soldiers to press on, it was noted that due to their attire and being so noticeable that they were very often the first target of the enemy.  The enemy knew that killing the standard bearer would often demoralize their opponent and so the standard bearer was often killed as soon as possible.  It is true today for believers.  Our enemy, Satan, will do everything he possibly can to keep us from being standard bearers for God and we have to be prepared for the onslaught, not only from the world but also possibly from within our own friends, family or Church.

If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8), then it stands to reason that the Word of God never changes. Mankind will and has gone through many changes over the centuries but God is still the same.  We are being forced to make choices, choices which may make us unpopular, cause us to have to walk away from friendships or even the very Church we attend. But take heart, for we know that when we do decide to stand up for what we believe is truth, Jesus will be right there with us.  Scripture tells us in Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife[ or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

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