Chapter Sixty-three:
Unfortunately it has become
commonplace to hear of someone whom we have looked up to and admired to be found
living a life that goes against what he/she has promoted in public. And if that
person is someone who says they walk with God and by all appearances have been
doing just that, it stuns us, surprises us, and shakes us at our very roots. We are not surprised when it is a Hollywood
figure or a politician who is shown for not being who they have pretended to be,
but when it is someone within the Church, it causes much heartache within the
Body of Christ. And we wonder, how could
it have happened?
The reason it happens is
because somewhere along the way that person has given in to the sin of spiritual
pride. Spiritual pride does not happen overnight, but usually happens slowly and
subtly. It can easily be a stumbling
block for the most devout believer. Those of us who are eager for the
advancement of Christ and His kingdom need to be on guard as our pride can be a
door by which the devil plays on our zeal and enthusiasm to grow deeper in our
walk with God. Pride will always try to find a way to cause our downfall.
The person
who is spiritually proud and does not listen to other's concerns will cause
themselves to develop a hardened heart. Often we think of someone with a
hardened heart as being an atheist, an agnostic or someone who has purposefully
turned their back on God. However, I
believe it is also possible for a follower of Christ to develop a hardened
heart. He/she has lost their teachable
spirit and believe they already have all the answers and are no longer humble
and open to correction, thereby allowing their heart to become hardened. Remember, no matter how long we have
been disciples, followers of Christ, we must never give up having a teachable
spirit so that we remain open to being taught, and if need be, corrected. Proverbs
26:12 strongly cautions us against feeling like we have all the answers, "Do
you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for
On the other hand, the humble
person is like a child who easily receives instruction. He is cautious in his
estimate of himself, sensitive as to how easy it is to go astray. If it is
suggested to him that he is going astray, he is most eager to check into the
matter. He who humbly, yet firmly, stands for what he believes will have no
issue with being questioned. He/she will gladly discuss what they believe to be
the truth because truth does not have anything to hide, nor anything of which
to be afraid. Truth will stand up to all scrutiny because in the end it will be
shown for what it is, the correct and only way.
I propose that any person's faith that cannot be challenged, debated or critiqued is on very shaky ground. Those who are sure in their beliefs are willing to quietly listen to others and have an amiable, open discussion about the topic at hand. If you truly believe you are following the truth then you should feel confident when questioned or challenged. Psalm 25:9 assures us that "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way."
As A.
W. Tozer warned, "There is
something about a religious gathering, and particularly about a church
building, that produces in the worshiper a state of pleasant languor and
suspends his critical faculties for the duration of the service. The average
Christian goes to church expecting to hear certain words and phrases and the
average preacher knows what they are. It does not matter too much in what order
they occur, and if they should be spoken with a considerable degree of
enthusiasm, so much the better; only let them be familiar and harmless. Nothing
more is required or expected."
If what we
hear sounds good and makes us feel good for the rest of the day, then we feel
we have heard a good message. But do you
ever pray before hearing a teaching or sermon?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with praying for discernment and
guidance from God and the Holy Spirit before going to Church to make sure that
what you are hearing and being exposed to is correct and to be followed. Ephesians 5:6 warns us, "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for
because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Therefore do not be partners with them."
Remember, those who will try to lead you astray will always try to
introduce something between you and Christ, and the simplicity of the Gospel is
John 8:31b-32 says, "...If you continue in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines
the meaning of the word continue as "to do something without stopping ; to
keep doing something in the same way as before; to maintain
without interruption a condition, course, or action." In these current times, when
many are calling evil good and good evil, it will be those who do not walk away
from the fact that the Bible is the true inspired Word of God that will end up
being truly free. It will be those who
"continue in my word" who will be the ones who are truly His
None of us
are immune to spiritual pride, that is why we have to stay close to God and the
promptings of the Holy Spirit. We
must not ever think for one moment that we could never be mistaken or
misled. That very thought itself will be
our downfall, for it is pride working within us. We must stay open to God's
warnings because if we think we are already spiritual enough or are so close to
God that there is no possibility of our being deceived, then the seed of pride
is already planted in our hearts, just waiting for its time to take root and
reap the harvest of deception. As
Proverbs 16:18 warns us, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty
spirit before a fall". It will be
those who retain a humble, teachable spirit and continue in the Word who will protect
themselves against becoming spiritually prideful.