Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Coming Season of Hardship...

Chapter Seventy:

I recently read this and it caused me to wonder if we, as believers and followers of Christ, are truly ready for the coming season of hardship, for the coming persecution that Scripture warns us will come:

"We are a woefully impotent and pampered generation who has God on our lips but not in our hearts, who desires only to receive but never to surrender; only to accumulate but never to sacrifice, only to laugh but never to weep. 

We have erased the notion of suffering for the sake of Christ from our Christian lexicon, and replaced it with the notion that once we raise a limp hand in a tepid church service we are entitled to, and therefore can (or must) demand of God untold riches, impeccable health, immeasurable success and global acceptance.

It is because we are teaching a fraudulent gospel, it is because the gospel we preach is not the gospel of Christ, that the coming season of hardship that will cover the land will cause many to rebel against the self-same God they purported to serve, denying the Christ, and becoming the persecutors of those who having prepared spiritually will stand faithful and true in Jesus."

Michael Boldea, Jr.