Monday, June 18, 2012

How you have been changed...Now God is your Father!

Chapter Four:  How you are changed...the new you:
As I mentioned previously, you may or may not "feel" a change within you.  But believe me there has been a huge change!  You are now a part of the family of God and with that comes many blessings as well as responsibilities.  Let's first talk about the blessings and changes that have occurred within your spirit.  I will refer to several Scriptures as I go along, and if you would, I would like you to follow along with me in your Bible (and if you do not yet have a Bible, I suggest you purchase one as a future teaching will be on how to study your Bible).  Learning the Bible and getting it into your heart is a crucial part of being a Christian and being able to learn more about God and His will for your life.
Romans 6: 1-6 says that you have died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule in your life.  That is a terrific piece of news!  Sin no longer has a hold over you, as long as you decide to fight against it, as it will assuredly try to raise its ugly head and dominate you once again.  But when it does you have the power, through prayer, to tell it to flee, and it must, now that you are a son/daughter of the most high God.
Galatians 2:20 says that you have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer you who live, but Christ lives within you.  Just imagine,  the Son of God lives inside you!
Ephesians 2:18 says that you have direct access to God through the Spirit.  This means that you do not need a go-between to reach God or to talk to Him or to pray to Him.  You have a direct line to God!
Ephesians 3:12 says that you can approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence.  You do not have to grovel in front of him or beg Him for things.  As His son/daughter you have the right to boldly talk to him and ask for whatever you need (if it's in His will, of course..he won't give you just anything you ask for).  But you will find that over time, if you do truly follow Him and His teachings, that your desires and wants will begin to change and will come in alignment with what He desires for your life, so then when you do ask Him for something it will be granted.
Colossians 1:13 says that you have been delivered (rescued) from the domain of darkness (Satan's rule) and transferred to the Kingdom of Christ.  You are no longer a slave to sin and Satan, but are now free to be a son/daughter of God.  By accepting Christ, Satan has lost his hold on you; but be careful, he doesn't give up easily!
II Timothy 1:7 says that you have been given a power of power, love and self-discipline.  You no longer need to live in fear.
Hebrews 2:11 says that because you are sanctified and are one with Christ, He is not ashamed to call you His brother.  Imagine, you are now a sister or brother of Christ!
Hebrews 4:16 tells you again that you have the right to come boldly before the throne of God (the throne of grace) to find mercy and find grace in your time of need.
The Bible goes on to say that you are:  a child of God; Christ's friend and brother/sister; you have been chosen by God; you are a joint-heir with Christ sharing in His inheritance with Him.  You are a new creation, a new person; you are a part of God's family; you were chosen by God and are dearly loved by God; you are a son of light and no longer in darkness; you are now an alien, a stranger to this world in which you temporarily live; you are a child of God and when Christ returns, you will be more like Him than yourself; you are a sheep of His pasture, and have everything you need.
I know that all this can seem a little overwhelming at first, but as time goes on and you get closer to God and study your Bible, it will all begin to fall in place.  The most important thing to remember is that you are now a son/daughter in God's family, and He has good things in mind for your life!

Chapter Five:  God, our Father
At one time or another, we all give serious thought to the question of who God is and what He is like. What thoughts does it bring to your mind when you hear that God is your father?  Usually it reminds us of our own relationship with our own father...that can be good, but it can also be bad. If you had a father who was loving, caring and supportive, then your image of God will most likely be of Him being benevolent, protective, warm and loving.  Unfortunately, in a world with so many broken homes and abuse, that is not always the case.   If you have not known and experienced a kind, caring earthly father, you may have a distorted view of your heavenly Father's love.   Our concept of God can also come from other sources:  preachers, the people in the church we attend, what other people have said to us (good or bad), or what we've read in the Bible.  We need to learn about who God really is firsthand, and not go by our experience with our earthly father, if that experience was not good.  We need to know God intimately and this can take a lifetime. 
Getting a proper perspective on who He is as your "father" is very important for your life as His child.  Many people do not know God as a loving Father.  They doubt they can trust Him, and don't think of Him as being worthy of their absolute loyalty and commitment. Even though we may long to know Him personally, our idea of what He's like may stand in the way.
Your heavenly Father was there when you were first conceived, when you took your first step, when you said your first words.    He was there through your hurts and disappointments.  He has been present and always will be, whether you feel it or not.  You were briefly given to human parents who were to raise you as He would have raised you, with love, understanding and support.  You were to have been showered with love as He would have showered you with love.  You are and always will be a child of God and He awaits, even now, with outstretched arms.
Unfortunately, some people do not  think of God as a loving Father.  They do not think of Him as someone to love and trust, someone who is worthy of loyalty and commitment.  Many imagine Him as a remote, impersonal Being who cannot be known.  Others yearn for a relationship with Him, but cling to the misconception that He sits in Heaven as judge. The central message of the Bible is the cry of the heart of God to have a relationship with us.  He created humans for this very reason…intimacy. We can call him “Abba, Father” (Romans  8:15). 

For those who were fortunate to grow up in a loving family, you still may have difficulty relating to God because you were taught to respect Him, and that may mean you're to address Him as  "Thou", or other such respectful salutations.  Using informal terms such as "Daddy" or "Papa" may seem disrespectful and difficult for you.  Yet the Bible teaches us to call God "Our Father.." when we pray (Matthew 6:9), and that He wants to have a close, intimate relationship with us, who are His children.

Author, John Dawson, talks about five different areas of misconception concerning God and His love for us that I'd like you to read and think about.  As you read through these, ask yourself if the relationship you had with your earthly father has in any way affected your attitude or perception of God as your heavenly father.
The first misconception is that God is harsh and vindictive; he's a judge just waiting to pass sentence at the first instant you do or say something wrong.  To the contrary, God's authority is gentle and long suffering.  God is slow to anger and delights to be merciful.  He may discipline us for our disobedience but only because He wants the best for us, not because He's cruel.  God is perfect love and it was He who gave this command to parents in Ephesians 6:4, "Parents don't keep on scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and resentful.  Rather, bring them up with the loving discipline the Lord Himself approves." 

The second misconception regards His faithfulness.  Do we really believe that we can trust Him or only in certain situations?  Scripture tells us that every promise of God will be fulfilled.  His one motive remains the same through all show love and forgiveness to a hurting world. He never changes.  His only desire is that we totally trust Him.  You are God's child and He knows you by name.  Psalm 68:5 says God is “A father to the fatherless…”.  Scripture tells us that He even knows the number of hairs on your head!  Deep in your heart do you doubt his faithfulness?  Maybe you had no father growing up due to death or divorce.  Maybe you were neglected by the demands of your father's career.  Is your heart soft towards God or hardened by cynicism and distrust? He says in Scripture, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you...I am with you always even until the end of the age." (Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 28:20).  Psalm 27:10 says, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”

The third misconception is that He is not generous.  The truth is that he is innately generous.  Just look at the world around you...the beautiful animals He created for our enjoyment, the beautiful scenery He created for our pleasure, the depths of the seas that are full of beautiful, delightful surprises.  Just look at the giraffe, or the penguin, or even the elephant...what fun He must have had creating such funny and delightful animals, just so that we would have them to enjoy.  He could have made everything boring and mundane...instead He chose to bless us with a delightful array of  curious wonders.  He did this because of who He is...He wants to bless us with everything He can because He loves us that much!
The fourth misconception is that He is unavailable and too busy to be bothered with our daily, mundane lives and that He doesn't care what happens to us.  God was there when you were conceived and He is the only one who has the capacity to be with you 24 hours a day...even the most loving parent doesn't have that ability.  First Peter 5:7 says, "Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."  Where your parents are sometimes preoccupied with other things, God is always there, concerned about even the smallest detail of your life.  Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."                   
The fifth misconception is that He doesn't accept us for who we are.  We live in a performance-based society, where acceptance seems to be conditional...if you did good at school, if you have worked your way up to a good position at work, if you make enough money.  The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of unconditional love, where God loves us regardless of what we do.  He simply loves us, period, no strings attached. 
Do you have any of these misconceptions about God?  If you do, it will hinder your ability to receive God's love and see Him as the true "Father" that He is.  Have you transferred your ideas/attitudes that you developed from being around your earthly father to your heavenly father?  God does not want us to be afraid of Him.  He calls himself "father" because he loves us and wants to share things with us out of love.  He yearns to be close to all of His children.  The Bible reveals to us a God who is gentle, forgiving and who wants to be intimately involved in each and every detail of our lives.  I John 3:1 reads, “See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God…”.    Jesus was God, in human form.  From reading Scripture, we see Jesus as being faithful, kind, caring, generous, concerned and  willing to give His life for us at Calvary…the ultimate expression of His love. God never changes.  He is predictable.  He is not like earthly fathers.  He is always there when you need him, even on those days that you are doing okay, and do not pay much attention to Him.  He is everything you wished your real dad had been.  In 2 Corinthians 6:18 He says, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters…”.  So many have suffered hurt and rejection by their fathers that it is hard for them to see God as He really is.  Understanding the character of God is essential if we are to love Him, serve Him and strive to be like Him. 

Our ability to trust God comes from how much we know Him.  If we don't trust Him it's because we don't know Him well enough. Become curious as to what God is like, as a Father.  Look to the Bible to see what God is really like.  Scripture describes God as a merciful, forgiving, kind and loving Father.  All we have to do is look at Jesus’ life to see what God is like.   John 14:9 says, “…anyone who has seen me has seen the Father…”.  The central message of the Bible is the cry of the heart of God to have a relationship with us.  Tell Him how you feel, the struggles you have...perhaps the doubts you have about Him and what He is really like.  Ask Him to reveal to you who He truly is and be prepared for His answer.  More than anything, He wants you to have a proper perspective of who He is and how much He loves you.  He truly does want to be your Father!

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