Sunday, June 4, 2017

Announcement: New blog is coming...

As I mentioned in an earlier post (see 2/15/16 post), I have been reading an eye-opening book written by Mr. William Gurnall, titled "The Christian in Complete Armour".  It is so deep in describing how a Christian needs to learn how to wear one's spiritual armor properly, that it is in 3 volumes due to the extent of the material.   I believe every serious Christian should purchase his book, if possible,  as it has become a life changer for me and those who have read it.  These include not only friends of mine, but also other well known people, such as David Wilkerson,  Charles Spurgeon and John Newton .

However, understanding that it may not be possible for people to purchase this book, and knowing the importance of believers having this knowledge, I believe the Lord wants me to start a new blog, with the purpose of passing on to you the information that is inside Mr. Gurnall's book.

I know that I can never hope to aspire to write as he did, but I strongly believe that the Body of Christ is in much need of learning this so they can put it into practice in their daily lives.  The Church has gotten very weak, and many deceptive teachings are taking it away from its original doctrines.  This has not only served to weaken believers, but more seriously, has given new believers a wrong belief system from which to start their Christian walk.

In addition, we have an enemy that continues to not only stop people from becoming true Christians, but also daily, sometimes even hourly, attempts to attack those who are believers.  We can never be strong enough Christians without knowing the importance of the spiritual armor and how to implement it into our daily lives.  It is our duty, with God as our Commander in Chief, to learn how to become better soldiers in this fight we are in.

I do not fool myself into believing that I can pass on, in a blog, what took a lifetime for Mr. Gurnall to write.  I continue to re-read each book of the 3 volume set myself as each time I read it I find new, important  things that were not evident to me the previous reading.  So it is with humbleness that I take on the task of passing on to you, by way of this new blog, what I have learned, and continue to learn, from Mr. Gurnall's book "The Christian in Complete Armour".  When I feel it necessary, I will quote sentences, or even entire paragraphs, from Mr. Gurnall's book, as there are times when the original writing comes across in a way that has much more depth and meaning, and would be watered down if rewritten by my hand.

Update: The link to the new blog is ready. You can find it at the upper right corner of this blog under the section called "My Blog List".

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